Cut a lemon and place it next to your bed. Because? Everyone should do it!


That’s what a lemon can do for you!

Lemons are great for not only making your drink better; We already knew that. But we never thought we’d use them for this purpose as well! Cutting the yellow fruit and placing it near your bed in a small bowl can lead to many benefits for your health.

Who would have thought lemons would be so useful!

Increased vitamins

If you’re really a badass guy and don’t mind the extremely sour taste, you might make it to eat a whole lemon. Lemons provide us with a real vitamin boost – they’re full of super healthy phytonutrients. These phytonutrients hunt down so-called free radicals in your body that cause damage to the body. Starting your day by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice can also help start digestion and can help make your skin healthier. In other words: there are only benefits to eating this tart fruit.

Empty stomach

If you want to get the most out of drinking lemon water, it’s important to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. This way it will be more effective when it comes to cleansing the body of toxins. In addition, it stimulates weight loss. This is because your liver produces more bile if you drink the water with lemon on an empty stomach. In turn, this leads to being less hungry and digesting food faster. Drinking water with lemon is also great for oral hygiene thanks to the acids contained in lemon. These acids cause bacteria and any remnants of the food you’ve eaten to be eliminated from your mouth.

But did you know that it can also help you with bouts of depression and anxiety? Head over to the next page to find out how it works!
